The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Marilyn’s Tormenter
I heard Major Marilyn Aldrich relate the following. “After Larry, a high school classmate, learned I attended the Salvation Army Sunday School, he would tease, ‘Hey Marilyn, is that a new dress from The Salvation Army store?’” When Marilyn told her minister, he suggested, “Every time he harasses you, quote a Bible verse to him.”
God's Answers Are Perfect
“When we came back from the mission field, I fully intended to get a job,” a friend said. “But one Sunday morning the Lord impressed me with the words, ‘You pray for Russia, and I’ll supply your needs.’”
He Heard God
One Sunday evening after preaching twice and feeling very tired, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand felt a strong impulse to go to the pub that was just opposite their home. When he told his wife about it, she objected vigorously.
How Ann Gained Daily Victory
During her first seven years of married life, Ann became a perfectionist. Also, during those first years of marriage, three little ones appeared and Ann taught school full time. Plus, in those four years when her children arrived, she had six surgeries. To top it off, one of her babies had colic every night for a year.
Jehovah Jireh
God gave Abraham a startling command. “Take your promised son and offer him in sacrifice!” So he bound Isaac with cords and laid him upon the altar. Just as Abraham raised his knife to kill his son, an authoritative voice from heaven said, “Do not lay a hand upon the boy.” Abraham looked and saw a ram caught by its horns. As a result of these events, Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh, “the Lord will provide” (Genesis 22:14).
What a Help He Is!
One time when Jesus was being entertained in the Bethany home, Martha came to Him and asked Him to tell her sister Mary to help her (Luke 10:40). The word “help” that she used in her request is a very interesting word that means to come to the help of one, to lend a hand, to take an interest in.
God Never Speaks an Idle Word
God told the prophet Ezekiel to eat the scripture. “‘Son of man, eat what I am giving you—eat this scroll.’ So I opened my mouth and he fed me the scroll.”
Ruth’s Temptation
When Ruth Graham was a student at Wheaton College, they had two dining rooms. One offered a sit-down meal that cost more than the lunchroom downstairs where students could just brown-bag it and not pay for a full meal.
Vision Statement