God's Answers Are Perfect

“When we came back from the mission field, I fully intended to get a job,” a friend said. “But one Sunday morning the Lord impressed me with the words, ‘You pray for Russia, and I’ll supply your needs.’”

So instead of getting a job, she spent her time praying for Russia. Soon God began giving her beyond what she had even thought to ask. Free furniture arrived. Various people brought in matching pieces for their living room. Someone’s discarded table that had been refinished was just right for my friend. “One of the ways the Lord supplied my needs was to make me content. I’m happy with what we have,” she said.

We can ask for much; we can think of more. But God’s capacity to give is, as stated in the Greek, “beyond everything.” Sometimes when we pray, God says, “No, not yet,” other times, “No, I love you too much,” but sometimes He says, “Yes, I thought you’d never ask,” or even “Yes, and a whole lot more.”

God’s answers are always perfect. God sent His Son, “When the time had fully come” (Gal. 4:4). If our prayer isn’t answered even though we’re trusting, God is waiting for the proper time to “fully come.”

Andrew Murray words are encouraging: "What a blessed prospect in my work—to know that even when the answer is long delayed, and there is a call for much patient, persevering prayer, the truth remains infallibly sure— 'My God hears me.'"

God “is able to carry out His purpose and do super abundantly, far over and above all that we dare ask or think — infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes or dreams” (Ephesians 3:20 The Amplified Bible).

Thank You, Jesus, that Your answers are never a disappointment.

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Marilyn’s Tormenter


He Heard God