The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
What Is Our Top Priority?
A father told me that when his son went away to college, his absence left him with a deep sadness. One day in prayer he expressed his great longing to be with his son. God surprised him by saying, “There are some of My children I will never get to be with.”
Nien Cheng’s Meek Spirit
God makes an abundance of promises for those who are meek--those who are humble and cheerful and content with what their gracious God allows them. The meek are not annoyed because they think they deserve better. They refuse to be irritated when they see others possessed of more honor or riches than God has given them.
How to Encourage Yourself
When David and his men arrived home from battle at their town of Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had carried off the women and children. David was in great danger because his men were bitter about losing their families, and they began to talk of stoning him.
Jeanette’s New Name
For many years, Jeanette Howard was a lesbian. After she became a believer, God began to show her that He had a different plan for her life. Although she tried to resume her lesbian lifestyle, she felt uncomfortable and out of place in it. What was once so appealing to her was now hollow.
My Work Is Praise
"How can I maintain intimacy with God?" someone asked. How do we maintain an awareness of His presence? It's one thing to meet with Him in the morning during prayer and quite another to think of Him throughout the day.
Only God Can Change an Isis Leader
Many in the world who do not know anything about Christianity would love Jesus if they could only hear a clear Gospel message. A high ranking ISIS leader has reportedly given his life to Jesus after watching Leading The Way's satellite TV channel. The following report is taken from their website.
God Values Our Worship
I love the fragrance of a bouquet of lilacs or the scent of a burning vanilla candle. God chose the sweet aroma of burning spices to speak of our prayer and praise. When we lift the desires and love of our hearts to God, He receives them as though they are a precious fragrance. It is as though He refreshes Himself with our worship.
Dr. Chen’s Incurable Cancer
Dr. Chen developed a cancer on the side of his face that grew so enormous that from a distance it looked as if he had two heads.* People frequently turned away in horror when he walked down the street in their town of Nanyang in China. Dr. Chen suffered much pain and was unable to sleep.
Vision Statement