The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Discover the Abiding Life
I was going to meet with a small group, and I knew I would be expected to say something. I thought, “I have nothing to give.”
The Most Glorious Thing to Do
When Steve was in college, he had only one hour each week he could spend with his girlfriend. He declares that nothing kept him from spending that hour with her. A big test the next day or a good friend stopping to talk were either forgotten or ignored. He wanted to be with his girl more than anything else. Our time with Jesus should be equally compelling.
Great Joy in Heaven
Every time we get a glimpse of heaven, we see a scene of great joy. Job 38:4, 7 describes the mood of heaven at the moment of creation:
The Prayer God Answers
When a friend heard her pastor was getting a divorce, she wept.“I was not weeping for their children,” she said. “I was weeping for Christ.” She felt sorrow for the children, but her deepest concern was for the Name of Christ.
He Rules All Things
When the people of Nazareth drove Jesus to a hill, intending to push him off a cliff, Jesus allowed them to drive Him to the edge. Then He simply slipped through the crowd and left. Jesus never lost control of the situation. He was always the One who chose the final outcome.
Prayer at Midnight
Marjorie was in a sound sleep one night when she awakened with a start. She glanced at her clock. Midnight. She dropped back onto her pillow, and as she did, the name Addie Gordon came to her mind.
You Can Overcome Distractions
Adrian Rogers, on his national radio program, told that Yonggi Cho, the pastor of the largest church in the world, said he has to have his prayer time. One day Dr. Cho told his secretary, “I am going to prayer, and I don’t want anyone to interrupt me—no one, unless it is the Lord Jesus.”
Jesus’ Song
In Jesus’ day Jews observed the Passover by singing or chanting six Psalms: 113 through 118. So when Matthew mentions that after the Last Supper they sang a hymn, we can be sure they were singing these Psalms.
Vision Statement