The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
All Things Serve Jesus
I discovered a phrase from the psalmist which has repeatedly been a resting place for my spirit: “…all things serve you” (Psalm 119:91).
When Our Minds Wander
Jewish philosopher and theologian Martin Buber suggested that the name of God usually translated as “I am who I am” might better be translated as “I will be present (to you) as I will be present (to you.)” He was promising to be fully present. God is here for us. He is fully present when we open our Bibles. Just remembering that truth makes me want to be fully present also.
No Fears Necessary
One early morning as I drove to a meeting, I realized I had failed to have personal devotions. I was tempted to feel unworthy of drawing near God, but I remembered the blood Jesus shed and realized that even three hours of devotions wouldn't earn me a place in His holy presence. Because of the blood, with boldness I drew near and enjoyed communion with Him as I drove.
Offer Extravagant Worship
In scripture, two things— costliness and extravagance—marked worship that brought the presence of God. King Solomon offered 1,000 sacrifices to the Lord. (I Kings 3:4, 5) That night God appeared to him and offered him whatever he wanted.
Let God Enjoy You
When our friend Mary Carroll asked her granddaughter what she could buy for her on their shopping trip, the little girl responded, “Nothing, Nana, I just wanted to be with you.” Sometimes we need to come to God without requests but simply wanting to be with Him. God delights in us when we desire the joy of being near Him.
Let Jesus Carry Your Burden
One day some years ago, I read in Galatians, “The just shall live by faith.” For days I lived in those words, and in the following months they greatly influenced my thinking. The just shall live by faith continually—not sporadically. If I live by faith, I live as though God is in control. I have no anxiety.
Three Ways to Fast
A friend told me that in the midst of a family trauma, she began to pray desperately. She said, “Lord, I really want to see You work; I really want to see You move in this situation.”
Carole Changed Her Focus
Carole Mayhall and her husband Jack offered counsel in a heart-breaking situation in which a pastor friend had left his wife for his secretary. Soon after the counseling session, Carole and Jack went on their annual two-week time in the mountains for study, prayer, and writing.
Vision Statement