Nothing Greater Than Love

There was a terrible accident in a Canadian lumber camp when a tree fell where some boys were playing. One boy was pinned beneath its massive trunk. His mother was nearby and rushed to the boy, grasped the mighty tree, and released her son's leg. 

After the men carried the boy to the hospital, they resumed their work. To their amazement, it took four men to move the heavy tree trunk. 

Nothing accomplishes as much as love in the spiritual realm also. For years, all of Karen's efforts to have a neighborhood Bible study failed. Then she spent a year simply being a friend to her neighbors, attending their functions, being their friend. The next time she suggested a home Bible study, several were eager to join her.

We respond differently to those who care about us. Jonathan Edwards said he never wrote a book or article unless he was writing out of love for the people. Love is gentle and brings a different response than truth that is not accompanied by love.  

Jesus, help me to remember that there is no force greater than Your love.  

" Above all, love each other deeply" (1 Peter 4:8).

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