Don't Speak Out of Frustration

"My sister, has been going through breast cancer treatment," Vicki emailed. "I so want her to know our Lord! How can I get her to see Christ loves her? I really was a bit over-zealous one day. I have since backed-off and pray, pray, pray. I finally decided I would say no more--until I thought it was Jesus' words, not mine. Our words can perplex and hinder those who are seeking Him. It has to be His timing, His Spirit that leads."

Vicki is right, but we all know it is not always easy to surrender our impulsive responses. However, when a remark comes to mind we have the choice of saying it or submitting it to the approval of the Holy Spirit. If we feel His check, we must choose not to say it. Silence may result or He may replace our response with His response. As we allow the Holy Spirit to choose our words--or silences--He also will give us the attitude we should have.

Recently I was reading the account of Haggai's calling the people to finish rebuilding the temple. One verse gave the reason Haggai was successful in his venture: God had sent him (1:12). If we say words without the knowledge that we've been "sent" by God, what is accomplished? "The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing" (John 6:63). 

When we speak to family members out of frustration instead of love, when we push to have our way or to make our point, when we try to manipulate situations to accomplish God's will--in short, when we act on our own--we need an alarm in our minds saying, "The flesh counts for nothing. The flesh counts for nothing."

Willingly submitting our minds to the mind of Christ says to God, "I'm trusting You to speak." It also declares, "The most important thing to me is to please You in this relationship. I determine to know only Christ."

Dear Lord, give me grace to submit to You in the most difficult moments."

"My mouth will speak words of wisdom; the utterance from my heart will give understanding" (Psalm 49:3).

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Nothing Greater Than Love


How Morgan Studied the Bible