Nothing Is More Important Than Faith

One lady said she had longed for complete obedience to God's will and unhindered communion with Him. She was almost ready to despair because none of her resolutions or prayers brought her the rest she desired.

Then she met some who "declared that they had discovered a 'way of holiness' wherein the redeemed soul might live and walk in abiding peace and might be made 'more than conqueror' through the Lord Jesus Christ." 

She asked them their secret, and they replied, "It is simply in ceasing from all efforts of our own and in trusting the Lord to make us holy."

Dr. Charles Carter calls unbelief the one basic, taproot sin from which all other sins spring. Even though some earlier theologians regarded pride as the basic sin, "careful examination seems to reveal that pride itself is born of unbelief."

"Never speak or think of unbelief as a weakness, but always as the sin of sins, the fruitful mother of all sin," Andrew Murray said. Nothing will welcome His presence into our spirits more than faith.

Jesus shed His blood to take away all sin, and we deny the power in that blood when we doubt His power to keep us from sin or to answer our prayers.

I desire to draw near to You, God, "with a sincere heart in full assurance of faith" (Hebrews 10:22).

"Now we who have believed enter that rest...For he that is entered into his rest, he also hath ceased from his own works" (Hebrews 4:3, 10 KJV).

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