Her One-Day Fast

Our God is creative - even when He asks us to fast. Sometimes God will give specific directions for a specific time as He did in the following account sent to me by a lady named Ruth. She wrote:

"I had been struggling with depression and confused, apathetic, dark thoughts for several years and it was worsening. In January, I was to the point that I thought nearly constantly of dying. I knew God and loved him, but could not shake the thinking patterns - I was floating in water that was circling the drain. 

"One Tuesday morning, I woke feeling completely clear-minded and peaceful. The dark thoughts were gone. The relief was so palpable, it was almost a physical sensation. I could see good in my future. I did not trust this clean mind at first. The whole first day or two, I waited internally for the old cloud to descend. I had had energetic manic-like spurts before and was waiting for that rush of adrenaline to hit me, but days passed and it never came. I just had peace where there had been torment. 

"I was scared to trust these new feelings until I spoke with my mom a few days later. Off-hand, she mentioned 'So God had me pray and fast all day on Monday.' She went on to tell me that she had felt an urge to set aside the whole day to pray. She fasted and felt God clearly give her a prophetic picture of our family as a field that had grown bad weeds of depression and that it was her privilege to 'clear the field' with a sickle. She 'swung her sickle' all day in prayer and by the end of the day felt that the 'field had been cleared.' 

"I awakened the very next day, Tuesday, with a cleared field."

The Spirit is faithful to lead us in the discipline of fasting. He is pleased when we are desperate enough for God's help to willingly forego what we enjoy to have more of what He alone can give.

He said to them, "This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting" (Mark 9:29 NKJV).

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