The Secret to Being Patient

F. B. Meyer told of a clergyman, who, when tempted to feel great irritation, said he looked up and claimed the patience and gentleness of Christ. He had developed a habit of claiming from Christ the patience he lacked within himself.

One of Satan's subtle plans is to make us view our impatience as being of slight importance, hardly worthy of our concern. It's natural to excuse our impatience by thinking, "I had good reason to be upset." But the beauty of patience is most evident when there are great reasons for impatience!

How often we react out of our frustrations rather than looking to the One who wants to give us His reactions. Because we have access to the mind of Christ, we don't need to respond out of our human weakness. We pray, "Dear Lord, what are You thinking about this person?" and suddenly possess a fresh love and understanding that enable us to deal with a troublesome situation calmly and kindly.

Patience enables us to respond to frustrating circumstances with grace and self-control. It is not merely a personality trait but is a by-product of the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives.

If we continually walk in the Spirit, we have all of the fruit of the Spirit-including patience. As we depend upon the Spirit, He will help us grow in our ability to have a patient spirit.

Thank You, Jesus, for giving the gift of patience when we seek to keep in step with the Spirit.

"The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control" (Galatians 5:22-23).

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