Josh Needed a $1000

Aletha HinthornA young man who meets with the Saturday prayer group in our church was soon to leave on a missions trip. A week before he left, one of the ladies asked if had raised his support. He admitted he needed $1,000 more.

So she began to pray. "Lord, Josh is going to feed the 5000 and he has only five loaves and two fish. You told the disciples, 'The hungry do not need to go away. You give them something to eat.'"

As she continued in prayer, an amazing thing began to happen. One by one, the others in the prayer circle began to dig into their pockets and purses and take their money and lay it before Josh.

After the prayer, Josh counted the money and announced that he had exactly $1,000!

Later Josh sent this email. "I have a wonderful miracle to share with you. After I left the prayer meeting I went home, got the mail then went to the kitchen where I recounted the money that everyone gave and realized that I counted wrong! There was actually $900.00 exactly. BUT I then remembered getting a letter in the mail that morning from my grandma, so I opened it and found a $100 check! That makes it 1,000 exactly!!!! There were so many random amounts that people gave - but they seriously equaled exactly 1,000!!!

"I know God just made it the exact amount that we asked for just so we could clearly point out that it was He orchestrating the amounts that everyone was giving, not us! I couldn't stop singing and praying all day. This has raised my faith in so many ways! Nothing is impossible with Him."

Dear God, thank You for still making the loaves and fish be exactly what we need.

"The lions may grow weak and hungry, but those who seek the LORD lack no good thing" (Psalm 34:10).

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