A New Prayer Strategy

Aletha HinthornAfter Ruth Shinness began praying Scripture as though she believed it, she received testimonies of answered prayer from people who began praying Scriptures as though they sincerely believed them.

A Methodist pastor from Indianapolis made copies of the pages from her Prayer Strategy Resource Book* titled "The Lost" and "Pastor" and gave them to ten women to pray. Since that time his attendance has doubled, and they have had to go to two services on Sunday. Even without an evangelism program, people began walking into the church and getting saved.

Ruth Shinness prays the paraphrased Scriptures aloud. As she reads the Scriptural prayer, she puts her mind on the Lord and meditates on the victory that He has already won. 

When she has a special need, she looks for Scriptures that apply and meditates on the Word instead of on the problem. The bigger the concern, the more time she spends praying the Scriptural answers.

Ruth wanted to teach her four granddaughters, between the ages of 8 and 12, what she had learned about prayer. She had them take turns reading a Scripture and then praying as if they already had what the passage promised. After a while, one of the girls put her hand to her heart and said, "Oh, Grandma, it feels so good in here. Can we do this when we go home?" The girls all agreed.

Ruth made prayer books for each of them, and they began praying one page from the prayer book each day. Other family members requested prayer books, and as they joined praying for the same request, many Scriptural answers started to unfold regularly.

Thank You, Lord, for Your Words that take us into Your presence quickly and almost effortlessly.

"Not one word has failed of all the good promises he gave" (1 Kings 8:56).

*This book is available through our office. Reply to this email if you are interested in purchasing it.

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Turn Scriptures Into Prayers