Rees Howells' Temptation
Rees Howells founded a mission in which many were brought to Christ. After three years, Satan tempted his co-worker, "Unless you leave Rees Howells, you'll never be at your best. You need to have a work of your own."
When Howells learned what his co-worker was thinking, the Lord said, "Why don't you give him the leadership of the mission? Be his intercessor."
For those three years, Mr. Howells had put all his time, money, and energies into the mission. Now that great prospects existed, God was asking him to step down and help his friend as his friend had helped him previously. The mission was growing, and as it would become more popular, people would naturally attribute all the success to his friend.
"It was a great inward conflict to allow my friend to get the outward success," Howells admitted. God was preparing him to find as much joy in a hidden life as in an open and successful one. Mr. Howells said he decided, "If my aim in life was to do God's will, then I could truly say either way would be equal joy."
God enabled him to love the man who took his place. "Build it as a great mission," Mr. Howells told his co-worker. "The Lord will win souls through you, and I will be praying for you. I want the mission to become a greater success through you than it was through me."
We never learn the name of his co-worker or what became of the mission, but Mr. Rees Howells' influence remains.
Thank You, Father, that You always give grace to do the right thing for those who are willing for You to receive all the glory.
"Create in me a pure heart, O God" (Psalm 51:10).