Secrets to Enjoying God
Our personal time with Jesus should begin before we sit down with an open Bible. The more we strive to consciously live with an awareness that we are "in Him," the more we anticipate being alone with Him.
My friend Linda called, and we began to share promises the Lord had given us-some recently and then some remembered from years gone by. What a joy to review words that He had encouraged us with at various points in our lives.
Then we prayed and thanked God for His great and precious promises through which we participate in His divine nature. (2 Peter 1:4) Throughout the day, I kept thinking, "I am participating in His divine nature!" The wonder of such a thought brought joy each time my mind was free to dwell on it.
Years ago the Spirit said to me, "When you awaken in the morning, don't think 'I have this and this and this to do,' but think 'Another day to commune with God.'" It is easy to forget God. I think it is possible to dwell upon our problems rather then upon Jesus even when we're praying.
One of the things that has brought an awareness of His presence again and again has been to conclude my prayer times with minutes of being still and saying, "God, I want Your Spirit to commune with my spirit."
He responds to my simple invitation. Often I leave prayer time feeling strengthened in my spirit and aware that the Holy Spirit does indeed live in me.
It's keeping Him in our thoughts and enjoying His presence throughout our day that makes our times alone with Him times we eagerly anticipate.
Dear Holy Spirit, I want to enjoy Your fellowship today.
"The grace...the presence and fellowship (the communion and sharing together and participation) in the Holy Spirit be with you all" (2 Corinthians 13:14 Amp.).