The mission of Come to the Fire is to encourage women to experience the joy of a love relationship with Jesus Christ.
Spirit-Guided Shopping
“I haven’t bought any new dress clothes in...I don’t even remember when. Anyway, the Lord showed me that if I am going to be speaking, I need some defies-the-trends, quality clothing,” said Debra. “Yesterday I felt the Lord leading me to an expensive dress shop downtown where I have never shopped before. So I went. Guess what? They had a whole rack full of executive-looking clothes marked 2/3 off the usual price!
I Didn't Have to Quit
One day I was preparing for a Sunday School lesson and had some scattered thoughts that refused to settle into any kind of order. It was Saturday evening, and I was tired of working.
Our Daughter’s Change of Heart
I’ve become convinced that people often sense our spirits when we haven’t said a word. When our daughter Arla was small and needed to be disciplined, I scolded her until we were both upset. She went to her room and I went to my study wanting to calm my own spirit. I knelt down and prayed, “Jesus, give me the mind of Christ for Arla.” Suddenly I was filled with love for her. I was amazed at the tender compassion that simply overflowed in my heart for this little girl.
The Hidden Power of Fasting
The Lord spoke to Mahesh Chavda and his wife about calling their church to a twenty-one day fast. They asked the people to come together at 5:00 am for two hours each morning. Only a handful of people showed up the first two mornings.
Our Father Tells Us We Belong
When a couple in England signed up to be foster parents, they received training in how to treat the child. “Never make the child feel he belongs to you. The child belongs to the state, and the state may at any time remove the child.”
Would God Provide?
When Missionaries Jonathan and Rosalind returned to Canada during World War I, they faced a serious financial crisis. They had two choices. They could lay their affairs frankly before the Board, showing that their salary was quite insufficient with war conditions and prices to meet their requirements. The other course was to just go forward, get a suitable home and whatever they required, and trust their Father to supply what was needed above their income. They decided on the latter course.
Who Has Been Hiding That Book?
It was three nights before Christmas in 1943 and Wesley Duewel was in a village twenty-five miles from Allahabad, India. The villagers were sitting around Wesley on the ground under the stars. He and his team had sung several gospel songs in their language. Wesley picked up the large Hindi Bible and began to read from Luke 2 - the beautiful Christmas story of good news for all people.
When Praise Is Difficult
When I received a letter from Betty, I knew it would uplift me. Betty is in a nursing home. Because of a painful knee operation, she walks with a walker. Her husband has been childlike for years because of a stroke. But Betty has learned the secret of extravagant praise. Her letter began, "Praises be unto our God forever! He is worthy of all honor, glory, and praise. The longer I serve Him the sweeter He grows." God has delivered her, not out of the situation, but in it!
Vision Statement