God Surprised Jeannine

Dr. Jeannine Brabon recently left Columbia at 4 a.m. to travel to the States. Because of a storm their plane was delayed, and she finally arrived in Miami at 3 p.m. She was exhausted but looked forward to spending time with her brothers. Unfortunately, her sister would be unable to join them.

Jeannine was going through customs when suddenly she heard a very familiar voice call, “Jeannine!”

She turned around and there, to her amazement, was her sister who had left Ecuador earlier that day. Only God could have arranged for their paths to cross in the huge Miami airport. Jeannine delayed the rest of her trip and spent a day with her sister.

“Be still and know that I am God.” Jeannine, who teaches Hebrew in a prison in Medellin, Columbia, South America, said that verse can be translated, “Let go and you will know God (in an intimate way).”

Relax. Let go. Trust God and you will know Him as the one who takes care of you. We’ll find security in knowing our steps are ordered by a loving Creator. Who of us cares about the small concerns of strangers? The more we love someone, though, the more we care about their interests and want to help them.

When we trust God, He controls every detail simply out of love. Nothing stands in His way.

Thank You, Jesus, that Your love surrounds every detail of our lives.

“God is the Blessed Controller of all things” (I Timothy 6:15 TLB).

“I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving-kindness” (Jeremiah 31:3).

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