The Secret to Contentment

Joe Smalley, director of Athletes in Action in Europe, developed a brain tumor and faced suffering, pain, and death.

During his illness, he said, “I have come to see that this is God’s plan for me. It is not His punishment; it is His beautiful plan for me. A difficult one, but a good one. I have even come to praise Him for it. This may seem difficult for some people to understand. People say, ‘What about your children?’ How sad for my children, but they are God’s children first and foremost. God cares for His children.”

On Sunday, March 7, 1999, Joe Smalley went home to be with the Lord. Shortly before he passed away, several people, upon entering the room, saw bright light surrounding him.

Mary met the announcement that she would be a mother, although unmarried, with happy submission: “Behold the handmaiden of the Lord. Be it unto me according to thy will” (Luke 1:38 KJV).

Is there any point of contention in your life with God’s will? Any area in which you can’t gladly say, “Be it unto me according to thy will?”

If so, it is costing you the peace of God.

Jesus, help me to accept with deep contentment whatever You allow.

“Acquaint now yourself with Him [agree with God and show yourself to be conformed to His will] and be at peace” (Job 22:21 Amp.).

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His Gift of Pain and Loneliness


God’s Gift to the Faithful