God Has Humor
Dr. Marvin Powers told in our Bible study that before their first child was born, he and his wife were both certain they would have a boy. It was before the days of sonograms, but neither of them had any doubt so they thought a lot about what they would name their boy.
He waited in the fathers'-to-be waiting room until the nurse came out and handed him—a girl! He was shocked but immediately fell in love with the little girl they named Paula.
Then God gave them a second girl. The night after their third and last daughter was born, Marvin went home and lay down in bed and opened his Bible. His eyes fell on these words: "Behold, thy people in the midst of thee are women" (Nahum 3:1 KJV).
God has a perfect sense of humor. We are created in His image, so it makes sense that God Himself would also have laughter and fun as a part of His personality.
I once told an Asian lady that our God is happy. She stopped what she was doing and looked at me. "What religion did you say that is?" she asked.
We do have a happy God and we express Him to the world by a joyful spirit. True life in Christ cannot be gloomy and depressing. There is a time for laughter and at times it seems that our laughter and joy can even bring God glory. The psalmist wrote, "Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, "The LORD has done great things for them" (Psalm 127:2).
Thank You, Lord, for being the author of joy and for loving to see us express Your joy.
"A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." (Proverbs 15:13).
"The cheerful heart has a continual feast" (Proverbs 15:15).
"A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person's strength" (Proverbs 17:22 NLT).