No New Clothes for a Year
When Joan was asked to speak to a group of young women in her church, she became aware of a weakness—buying clothes. She wanted to be a good role model to them in all areas, including clothing. She began contemplating not buying any new clothes for a year.
She knew what happened when she overspent:
1. Guilt feelings plagued her.
2. She knew she might be a stumbling block for other women by causing them to overspend or by making them jealous because they could not afford the clothing she bought.
3. She was tempted to hide her purchases from her husband who knew she spent far too much on clothes.
Joan decided to tell these young moms about her plan to not purchase clothes for a year. She asked them to pray for her because she knew she could not do this on her own. She loved pretty clothes too much. Making myself accountable to almost sixty women would encourage success.
During the next months, women would ask, “Have you bought any new clothes?”
She was able to answer, “I’m keeping my promise.”
Joan carefully stayed out of stores with huge clothing departments. She knew browsing might lead to buying. Instead, if she needed to enter a clothing store, she would march into the door, buy the item and leave. She often said to herself, You don’t need anything.
That year taught Joan several lessons that can apply to any addiction:
•She could count on the Lord to help her win the battle.
•Being accountable to someone helped tremendously.
•Prayers of others, as well as her own, gave her strength.
•Staying away from the temptations made it easier to achieve her goals.
•Realizing her ability to influence others made her assume responsibility.
Joan said, “Nothing needs to have a hold on me except my love for Him.”
“But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that” (1 Timothy 6:7-9)