My Husband’s Dry Eyes

Ten years ago, my husband developed an eye problem that seemed to be likely to cause him to retire. His eyes were so dry they became extremely light sensitive. It was almost impossible for him to look at computer screens or tolerate being in brightly-lit rooms.

We prayed, others prayed, but his eye problem continued to worsen. One night I was up about 3 a.m. praying and walked into the bedroom. As I looked at him, the Spirit whispered lines of “Day by Day,” a song we had memorized years ago:

“The protection of His child and treasure is a charge that on himself He laid.”

I was comforted knowing God had assured me He had assumed Daniel’s care.

Some weeks later, Daniel called just before coming home from work. “I cannot continue doing this. I have to quit.”

Still, I stood on the words God had given me. I didn’t know what God’s plan was, but I knew it was good because God is good.

When Daniel arrived home, I knew something had happened when I saw his contented expression. He said that on the way home he was praying and words of the hymn “Rock of Ages” came to him: “May my tears forever flow….”

As those words went through his mind, tears began to come, the first tears that he had had in years.

The amazing thing is that he soon learned of an effective treatment that involved making eye drops from his own serum. At that time, one of the few places that produced such serum tears was only five minutes from our home.

Dear Jesus, thank You for Your compassion that causes you to suffer with us and to even assume our care.

“In all their distress he too was distressed, and the angel of his presence saved them” (Isaiah 63:9).

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