You Could if You Would

Caroline came to Anita’s door begging to live with her. Her family had abandoned her and because of a nervous disorder, she was unable to care for herself. She walked the streets looking for “someone to look after me.”

Anita dismissed her request. With a forty-hour workweek, she could see no way she could make herself responsible for Anita. Early one morning shortly after, though, Anita awoke to a message from God: “You could take her if you would.”

So Anita brought her home from the hospital where she had been treated for an overdose of valium. She was thin and deeply depressed. She was nearly 70 and it did not appear she would live very long. But with Anita’s nourishing meals, her health improved.

For nine years Anita cared for her. Then the nervous disorder progressed, and it became increasingly clear that Anita must move her. So she moved Carolyn to a personal care boarding home where she was happy and content.

Anita was returning from the home when she became aware of a Presence with her in the car. Her whole being was engulfed in His warmth, and she melted in tears. God was letting her know He was pleased with what she had done. Anita said, “I want to hear the words ‘Well done’ when I stand before Him, but in this case, I didn’t have to wait.”

Jesus, help us to remember that You do not forget one act of love we offer in Your Name.

“‘I assure you, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’... ‘I assure you, when you refused to help the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were refusing to help me.’” (Matthew 25:40, 45 NLT).

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