What Happened in Iraq?

A missionary dared to share the gospel with the Muslim Sheikh Salem.* As he told of Jesus dying on the cross and the resurrection, the presence and power of Jesus overwhelmed Salem. He fell to the ground, only to rise a different man. He had met Jesus.

The impact was so profound that the following day he went to the mosque determined to share this new life with everyone. He stood to speak, and a supernatural protection covered him. The gospel was shared. He asked all who believed to follow him. Over 200 men walked out with him.

Three days later, Salem was martyred for Jesus. The 200 were not deterred and neither was Salem's wife, Fatima. She and her husband had shared communion the night he was killed, so she longed to share communion with the new believers. She bought wine and Rashid's men prayed over it. It multiplied, as did the number of believers from Salem's life. With one heart, they broke bread and shared the cup. Many were healed and the Holy Spirit came upon them all.

Since then, whenever any of them take communion with new believers, they are all physically healed and all are greatly moved by the Spirit. The multiplication of souls saved, and bread and wine continues. The 200 is now 3,000 plus.

Five new discipleship-training centers were established in the area. The location of the centers varies constantly.

Many are leaving Fallujah, but now they leave as missionaries for Jesus, not as refugees running in fear.

Dear Lord, we praise You even as we pray and believe for many more miracles throughout the lands!

“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost” (Luke 19:10 NLT).

*Used by permission from Bette Crouse, Titus Women's Ministry Weekly e-News

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