Making Our Hearts a Portable Sanctuary

One morning my husband read to me from Daniel 6 and we decided to take verse 16 with us through the day: “May the God whom you serve continually rescue you.” Different times we mentioned the verse. We thought of it in prayer. We thought of it when we remembered our son was driving a long distance. The Lord we serve continually would rescue him from danger.

When we set our minds on His thoughts, fully intending to respond to every word, we can expect to be blessed. We are receiving truth that feeds our spirits. “I stand at the door and knock,” Jesus says to us believers desiring to enter the inner sanctuary of our hearts. Meditation opens the door and makes our hearts a portable sanctuary for this inner communion.

The image of a cow chewing its cud is often used to describe the practice of meditation. First the cow goes out and gets some grass and then sits down and chews it awhile and then swallows it. A little later, the cow regurgitates its cud and chews some more, then swallows again. We can visualize the cow processing and reprocessing the food until it is fully digested.

Our meditation involves taking in the bread of God’s Word, “chewing” on it by reading and thinking about it. Then it sinks down into our hearts, as we go about other things. Later that day, we’ll bring it back again to our minds and reflect on it some more. Meditation is taking in the bread of God’s Word, chewing on it, and digesting it until it becomes a part of who we are.

As I meditate on Your Word, Lord, it becomes increasingly precious to me.

“The law from your mouth is more precious to me than thousands of pieces of silver and gold” (Psalm 119:72).

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