What Can I Give Jesus?

One week in our women’s neighborhood Bible studies, Chalise especially noticed Jesus’ words about little children: “As ye have done it unto the least of these, my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” She decided to change her attitude and treat the rowdy neighbor kids, whom she had previously resented having in, with kindness for Jesus.

Shortly after this decision, a boy knocked at Chalise’s door at lunch time. Earlier she would have told him he could sit on the porch and wait until her boys finished eating, Instead she invited him in. “Have you had lunch, Johnny?” she asked.

He had. She was glad for that. She continued, “Would you like something to drink?”

“I’d love a glass of chocolate milk,” he said, noticing what her boys were drinking.

Chalise reached for the milk carton and drained the last of her milk into his glass. “Oh no,” she groaned to herself, “I’ll have to go to the store before dinner. But that’s okay. I’m doing this for Jesus.”

The boys went on out to play. In a few minutes, however, her son Phillip was back with an unopened carton of milk.

Chalise was sure God had sent it, and in her mind she could just see the carton of milk come zooming down from the sky. “Phillip,” she asked, “where did you get that milk?”

“Our neighbor came out and said, ‘Phillip, I think your mother needs this. We’re getting ready to go on vacation, so we can’t use it. Would you give it to her?”

Even a glass of milk does not go unnoticed when we say, “This is my gift to You, Jesus.”

Dear Jesus, what could I do just for You today?

“God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them” (Hebrews 6:10).

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God’s Tender Name: El Shaddai


Jesus, What Would You Do?