The Best Way to Protect

The angel of the churches gave this message to the church in Sardis: “Wake up!.…if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief” (Revelation 3:2, 3). The people of Sardis thought their city was built so it could not be conquered. Yet, twice, enemies captured Sardis because they carelessly posted no guard.

Over every one of our families there is a spirit hovering, watching for ways to capture the soul of each one. If we’re faithful to guard, perhaps when we get to Heaven, we’ll be able to see how our prayers protected and strengthened our children at strategic moments.

Jesus said, “While I was with them I protected them.” It's possible for us to protect spiritually those the Father gives to us. In Luke 21:31-32, Jesus told Simon Peter what He would do for Him to protect him during temptation

He didn’t say He would call for angels or strike Satan with a rod of iron, but He would do the most powerful thing He could do. He simply said, “I will pray for you.” Prayer is the most important way to protect our children, and our prayer habits should indicate that.

Those who have someone faithfully praying for them can report with the psalmist, “He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me” (Psalm 55:18). Is there someone or some situation you see that needs God’s special blessing or protection? Why not commit to praying specifically for that person for ten minutes daily for the next six days. One hour of prayer may seem costly, but it will bring God’s presence into the situation.

Dear Jesus, what a privilege to carry everything to you in prayer. Please give me patience and faith to pray for others, and with others, until the battles are won.

“I will not sacrifice to the Lord . . . offerings that cost me nothing” (2 Samuel 24:24).

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