No Problem Is too Difficult

One morning when one of our children was in high school, I recognized that many teens succumb to Satan’s tactics during their high school years. Then I remembered that after Elisha had put flour into the poisonous stew, what would have been deadly was made into wholesome food. (2 Kings 4:41) This encouraged me to believe that through prayer, situations that might otherwise have been fatal could be made safe. If touched by God, they could even be nourishing. Satan loses his ability to harm in the areas we cover with believing prayer.

A paragraph in Wesley Duewel’s book, Mighty Prevailing Prayer encourages us to keep praying despite those situations that appear to be beyond our control.

“Never say ‘impossible’ when you are praying for something in the will of God. God is sovereign over nature and over people. God can act in wisdom, grace, and power until one aspect of a situation after another yields with a divine domino effect until God’s complete answer is given and His full will done. Never rule out an intervening act of God. Never doubt the possibility of a miracle.”

Thank You, Lord, that no problem is too difficult for You.

“Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think” (Ephesians 3:20 NLT).

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