Worship His Name

“The heavenly Father, who offers to meet us in the inner chamber has no other object than to fill our hearts with His love” wrote Andrew Murray. One of the ways we can receive His love is to take time to consider who our heavenly Father is.

The psalmist calls on us to praise the name of the Lord not just once, but dozens of times. I find it helpful to apply the Names of God, or words we used to describe Him, to my immediate situation. For instance, I might pray, “God, You are Able for this need; Thank You for being my Burden-bearer, my Counselor, my Deliverer….” As I go through the alphabet, my faith grows through this act of worship. Maybe this list will be helpful as you offer Him a sacrifice of praise.

Able, Almighty, Ancient of Days, Abiding, Awesome, Abba

Benevolent, Burden-bearer, Blessed, Bread of Life, Beloved

Compassionate, Counselor, Comforter, Creator, Companion

Determined, Devoted, Deliverer, Defender, Desire of All

Everlasting, Eternal, Enough, Encourager, Everything

Forgiving, Faithful, Father, Friend, Foundation, Fountain

Glorious, Good, Gentle, Generous, Gracious, Guide, Gate

Holy, Humble, Hope, Helper, Head, Healer, Hiding Place

Immortal, Invisible, I AM, Intercessor, Immanuel, Inspirer

Just, Jealous, Judge, Jehovah Jireh, Jehovah Shalom, Jesus

Kind, Knowledgeable, King of Kings

Lord of Lords, Lord of Hosts, Life, Light, Lamb, Love

Merciful, Mighty, Meek, Master, Maker, Mighty One

Name Above All Names, Nazarene

Omniscient, Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omega

Purifier, Powerful, Pure, Prince of Peace, Perfect

Quiet Rest of My Soul, Quick to Help

Righteous, Ruler, Refuge, Redeemer, Ruler, Rewarder, Rock

Sovereign, Shepherd, Strong, Savior, Servant, Son, Salvation

Tolerant, Tactful, Teacher, Truth, Trinity, Tabernacle

Unchanging, Uncompromising, Understanding, Unfathomable

Victorious, Victor, Vine

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