The Answer to Our Water Problem
When I was a little girl on the farm, the well that supplied our house with water frequently went dry, so my dad decided to have a new well dug. He prayed about the exact location of our new well, and when the well-drillers arrived, he announced that they were to drill about thirty feet east of our kitchen door.
After several days of digging, they struck water. “It’s an artesian well!” they excitedly announced. The drillers packed up their equipment and left, but I hung around. I wanted to watch. What was an artesian well, I wondered?
For about an hour, I kept running back to look at the pipe the drillers had left sticking up out of the ground. Finally, clear, pure water began to flow out of the pipe and overflowed like a fountain.
From that day, a shortage of water was no longer a problem in our home. Even in the long summer months when others’ wells were going dry, we had water.
It is this kind of spiritual well—the overflowing love, joy, and peace that keeps on flowing no matter the circumstances—that the Lord promises to those who dwell in Him. The Spirit-filled life is to be a spiritual artesian well.
As long as we allow His life to flow through us because we are continually trusting and obeying, we will experience a quiet rest and an overflow of the fruit of the Spirit.
When we’re not dwelling in Christ we may be able to be longsuffering and patient—but with joyfulness? The lavish outpouring of the Spirit into our hearts will cause us to overflow with joy, with the grace of giving, with good works, with hope, and with love.
Thank You, Jesus, that You came so we might have abundant life.
“The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life...streams of living water shall flow from within him” (John 4:14; 7:38).
“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full” (John 10:10).