Find Him Faithful
One of the best ways to discover God’s faithfulness is to write our prayers. I discovered this years ago one afternoon when I was sleepy. Simply to stay awake, I began writing my prayer in my notebook. Many days later I found that prayer and tears came to my eyes as I read. God had answered those prayers in the exact way I had requested. I never would have realized it if I had not recorded my requests.
In Ken Bible’s excellent book, His Personal Presence, he relates that a few years ago he began writing his prayers. One day he read back through those prayers. To his amazement he saw a recurring pattern: he would pray about a need, often in desperation, and a short time later, that need was provided. “But by the time the answer came,” he said, “I was already concentrating on another concern. Thus, I sometimes didn’t recognize the answer when it came. And I completely missed the pattern—until I looked back.”
Try recording the requests you take to the Lord. Then occasionally go back and read those prayers. One lady who did this said that in the first 27 days, she had recorded 130 requests. To her amazement, she found that God had answered 127 of them. If she had prayed those same prayers without recording them, it is unlikely that she would have noted God’s many responses.
God reveals His faithfulness to those who are faithful to Him. “To the faithful, you show yourself faithful” (Psalm 18:25). He wants us to observe His consistency in answering our sincere prayers. Sometimes we miss seeing God’s faithfulness because His answers are not what we had expected. When we look back, though, we may discover His way of answering was better than we would have designed.
Dear Lord, remind me to record my requests so I will be more aware of Your faithfulness.
“…in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait in expectation” (Psalm 5:3b).
I will remember the deeds of the LORD; yes, I will remember your miracles of long ago” (Psalm 77:11).