If Praise Is Difficult
When giving thanks is the last thing we want to do, it is time to respond to Paul’s words, “Set your mind and keep them set on what is above” (Col. 3:2 Amp.) We can and must choose where we will place our thoughts.
Here are two suggestions.
We are to make sure that we are thinking of God. Paul said, “I thank my God” (Phil. 1:3), and no doubt he was thinking on God’s goodness and power. It is easy to thank God for something and hardly think of Him at all. If I allow my mind to continually dwell on the problems I am praying about, it can be quite a stretch from there to always giving thanks. But it seems to be a small step from thanking Him for His good and perfect plans to trusting Him to fulfill those plans.
A second suggestion is to remember that the Spirit of Christ within us is a Spirit of thanksgiving. To always be giving thanks is simply to respond to His Spirit within!
Dear Lord, some day in Heaven I will be saying, “Praise and glory and wisdom and thanks and honor and power and strength be to our God for ever and ever,” and when I look back over every detail of my life, I will see Your faithfulness. I will see You always provided all I needed in every situation. I will finally understand that You did not allow anything but what could bring good to me and glory to You. I will see reasons for praise in everything! Help me to choose by faith the eternal perspective now and praise You for Your perfect faithfulness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen