Flowers From Jesus

While I stood outside an airport waiting for my ride, I saw a lady carrying a colorful bouquet of mixed flowers and thought, She wants to greet someone she loves carrying a gift of flowers. 

The Holy Spirit impressed upon me these thoughts, “That’s how I want to come to you each moment. Each moment enjoy My love for you. Receive it, believe it, rest in it.”

Twelfth century Bernard of Clairvaux described God’s love like this: “In his very essence he is the Lovable One, and he gives himself over, as the object of our love...With the refreshing of our souls he busies himself.”

The closer we get to Jesus, the more His love becomes a reality. Andrew Murray wrote, “The heavenly Father, who offers to meet us in the inner chamber, has no other object than to fill our hearts with His love.” He invites us to make it our habit during our devotional times to let Him love us.

In each of the twenty-six verses in Psalm 136, we read the refrain “His love endures forever.” Jehoshaphat and his army went into battle proclaiming: “Praise the Lord; for his love endures forever!” (2 Chronicles 20:21). Of all the reasons given in scripture to praise the Lord, His love could well be the most often repeated but perhaps one we seldom remember.

Father, help me to be more aware of Your love to me today.

“I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness” (Psalm 138:2).

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