Enjoy God’s Holy Presence

A dad came home from a trip and, unlike other times, he had forgotten to buy gifts for his children. When they greeted him, he said, “Guess what I brought you!” His son and daughter couldn’t wait for him to open his suitcase. 

Then the dad exclaimed, “Me! I brought you me!” They were clearly disappointed.

It must grieve God when we view our time in prayer as a ticket to get what we want more than the opportunity to have the incredible joy of His fellowship.

Perhaps nothing would motivate us to value fellowship with God more than catching a vision of His desire to fellowship with us. John Piper states in the introduction of The Pleasures of God that what we need more than anything else, is to know and love God—the great, glorious, sovereign, happy God of the Bible. “The volcanic exuberance of God over...his people is not well-known.”

If we love Jesus with all our hearts, a sure sign will be that fellowship with Him is our greatest joy. Recently, a dear friend shared what had happened the previous night. 

Her husband had an appointment to meet a few men outside of their home. “There I was alone, the house peacefully quiet!! I decided to make a salad for dinner. As I was eating, I felt a greater hunger for God. I decided to put my salad back in the frig and went to my bedroom to kneel down and just worship Jesus. It was such a sweet time, a close time of communion with Him just adoring Him. The interesting thing is I heard that old accuser whisper ‘shouldn’t you be praying right now?’ There's so much to pray about and people to pray for. I almost took the bait. But I resisted and continued to focus on the grace and love of Jesus, crying and just telling Him how much I love Him. After a while, I did end up praying a little. But I'll always remember that sacred time of just enjoying God’s holy presence.”

Dear Jesus, I realize that every desire to draw near You originates with You for You long to have me to Yourself.

“My heart says of you, ‘Seek his face.’ Your face, Lord, I will seek” (Psalm 27:8).

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