What God Won’t Give
I received an email from a prominent evangelist telling of an encounter with God that has made all the difference in his ministry. He was a young college student, saved and deep in his call as a preaching evangelist.
“I knew that a part of my zeal was to be someone important,” he wrote. “On a Sunday night in church I knew I was to go to the altar and cry out to God for not only a pure heart but pure motives in my heart as well. When at the altar a scripture burst within me. ‘I will walk in the paths of righteousness FOR YOUR NAME'S SAKE.’ And thus it has been for all these many years.
“What a privilege
What a joy divine”
Indeed it is a joy and a privilege to walk in paths of righteousness when He is leading. “He leads me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake” (Psalm 23:3)—not for mine, but for His name’s sake. He loves us so much that to lead us is doing something for Himself.
God promises to graciously give us all things (Rom. 8:32), but there is one thing He withholds from us. He warns, “I will not give My glory to another” (Isa. 48:11 NKJV). If we take glory to ourselves for what God has done, He lets us—but to our detriment. We lose His anointing and His blessing.
To those who pray for pure motives as the young college student prayed, God says, “You are my servant, Israel, in whom I will display my splendor” (Isa. 49:3). With pure motives, we’re not only led by Him but also have the great honor of displaying His glory.
That is truly a privilege and a joy.
Thank You, Father, that You are able to purify our hearts so we can joyfully serve without needing praise from others. Search my heart and see if I am hoping to receive glory that belongs to You.
“He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Then shall the offering...be pleasant unto the Lord” (Malachi 3:3, 4).