Faith Is the Victory

I found some notes I had written in an old journal when I was working on one of my books. I had hoped to have three chapters done by Christmas but only had one and a half completed. By the middle of January, I had progressed to chapter three. 

One night I reread what I had written in the previous five days, and it just disintegrated before my eyes. All of it, except one small section, suddenly looked inconsequential and hardly worth stating.

But then I remembered that my work is not to produce results but to believe God. "God's work--which is by faith" (1 Timothy 1:4) has been one of my life verses. I deliberately chose at that point to believe, and wrote, "Lord, I know I've trusted you to help me write. I know You are helping me. It doesn't matter how it seems. Your purposes are higher than mine and even though I don't see results, I am believing you. I'm not discouraged because I'm doing all you ask me to do."

And it was true. I was not discouraged because I was doing God's work by believing and that was all I needed to concern myself with. 

Of course, I continued working, but I was not in despair. I knew I was believing God would help. 

The book was finished on time.

Dear Jesus, when I know You've heard me pray, the answer's on the way.

 "So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised" (Hebrews 10:35, 36)

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How Big Is God?


The God Who Hides Himself