He Has Come!

Digger of oceans, polisher of stars

Hanger of planets and Healer of scars.

Sparrows' Mortician and Passover Lamb,

Feeder of ravens; Condemner of sham.

Cana Wine-Maker; Creator of light,

The Author who gives glad songs in the night.

Lover of children, Dispeller of dark.

Designer of blooms and soft willow bark.

The leaves' Architect; Songwriter for birds,

Clean Rose of Sharon and Keeper of herds.

Thunder-Exploder on cloud-shrouded peaks,

Painter of sunsets and babies' pink cheeks.

Maker of heroes, those out of the wild,

Dry desert Gardner and Bethlehem's Child.

Weaver of rainbows and bottler of tears,

Tinter of orchards and tulips' bright spears.

Galilee-Walker and calmer of waves,

Full Seed of David; Conqueror of Graves.

Sower of springtimes and Breather of wind,

Calvary's love-gift to all who have sinned.

Larzarus-Raiser and Magdalene's friend

Captain and Guide at the river's last bend.

Gadarene's Escort back home from the tombs

Builder of mansions with Heavenly rooms.

Abraham's Fruit Tree; Gethsemane's Door;

Christ, All-sufficient...and more, so much more.

Heaven's Attraction...the main Citizen,

The Church's Bridegroom, the endless Amen!

by Charles Hastings Smith

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Immanuel Came!


A King in a Stable