Come to the Fire--The New Chapter 

It gives me great joy to tell you what God is doing. Since 2016 we have been seeking to know what God is saying regarding Come to the Fire. What is His message for the New Chapter? The first ten conferences of Come to the Fire focused on women, but those conferences were only a prelude to what God has planned for the future. Now God says, "I am going to do a new thing among you."

In 1998, God led Nancy Jesudass to fast 40 days and burdened her to intercede for the younger generation of America. In a council meeting in 2013, God had Nancy anoint my daughter, Arla Mitchell. Then at the 2016 conference, Nancy asked Arla to give a charge and a prayer for those under 40.

Nancy writes, "In 2016, Arla received a mantle in public to be a Joshua and gave a charge to the next generation. The crowd witnessed how the next generations came to her for a fresh anointing. Today in 2020, she has a passion, a call, a burden for the next generations."

(To hear Nancy's 2016 message and Arla's charge and prayer, go to the Friday morning video beginning at about 21 minutes.)

Arla wrote the following in response to my request that she share her journey of the past couple years.

On January 1, 2018, I asked God to speak to me about the coming year. This is some of what I wrote down in my journal as I listened: "Your mom will be more in the background as you step up to lead but she will be a support to you." 

At the time I had no idea what God was talking about, but a few days later I was visiting with Come to the Fire intercessor Nancy Jesudass, and she told me it was time for me to lead Come to the Fire. Over the next few months, God graciously confirmed that was indeed His plan.

One of those confirmations came when some intercessors and I were talking about scripture and praying. God came in a precious way to affirm my leading Come to the Fire. As we prayed, I had a vision of being in a boat in the middle of a large body of water. Up ahead was a very huge object. I couldn't see what the object was because there was mist concealing it. I knew, though, that as I moved closer, it would suddenly come into view. 

In June 2018, my church went on a family mission trip to Dallas, TX. While there, God spoke to me about getting ordained. I realized this was the next step in preparing for ministry. In my desire to be obedient, I enrolled in the Course of Study for ordination. 

Through the next year-and-a-half, I kept praying and wondering when God would cause the mist to lift and show us what was to come. When I went to a prayer conference in October 2019, I had a sense God was going to show the next step. He did, but it was not in the way I expected. He made clear that my next step was to become a worshipper. 

I wrote in my journal: "My first ministry is to God. I must live in complete and constant worship of him night and day. Out of that will come the suddenlies, the open doors that no man can shut, and open doors that only He could have opened...I will be amazed and give God glory because it will be obvious that only he could have done it. There will be no human striving. It will be God-breathed and inspired from beginning to end. And it will be born out of worship, heartfelt adoration. Teach me to be your worshipper, God."

Since then, I have been daily worshipping God. This has become a precious time as I keep my eyes focused on Him, knowing He will reveal how and when to move forward. 

Now it appears that the mist is beginning to lift a bit as God has begun showing us more of what is to come. One thing he has made clear is that the next season of Come to the Fire is going to be a revival for young people. He longs for the next generation and is inviting them to enter into sacred fellowship and worship.

I don't know exactly what this will look like, but I am full of great anticipation that He will lead us forward perfectly. He is our King, and we trust Him to guide us!

We need an army of intercessors to move forward. Would you be willing to join us in praying for Come to the Fire?  Here are some specific ways you can pray:

·      Ask for wisdom that we will see clearly God's next steps for CTTF

·      Ask for open doors and strategic connections at the just right time

·      Pray that God will be the only one glorified through CTTF

·      Pray for boldness and courage to move into new territory and do things we've never done before

·      Ask God to raise up an army of intercessors who will pray and worship daily on CTTF's behalf

·      Cry out on behalf of the young people God is going to draw to CTTF. He wants to do mighty things among the next generation!

Thank you for your prayers and support of Come to the Fire. The work could not be accomplished without intercessors like you.

Love, Arla

If you want to be you be a part of the army of intercessors for this new chapter of Come to the Fire to reach the younger generations, please respond to this email. We will keep in touch with you through future emails.



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