What Is God Doing Now?   

"My Father is always at his work" (John 5:17), Jesus assures us. What is His Father's work? I like to think that His continual work is to show us His love. Every moment, He continues to do what He did when He sent His son. "For God so loved that He gave...." He who is always the same is continually at this work of expressing His love for us. 

Often in difficult times we are more receptive to His love. A friend shared one of those moments in which she received a fresh awareness of God's goodness. The day she sold her mother's house at auction she was feeling the loss of a family homestead that she had known for 40 plus years. "That morning I turned to Psalm 90 and read, 'Lord, thou hast been our dwelling place in all generations...' and thought, Yes! Before there was this house, my family (the generations) were 'dwelling' in the Lord. I can say goodbye to all 'temporary shelters' knowing that."

God must be especially pleased when we trust that He is bringing good to us even in difficulties. "I am laid up for a while because almost three weeks ago, I fell and broke my right foot and left leg," a friend emailed me.  "I'm praising God in it and praying to seek Him more through it. It could have been worse."

Christ is waiting at the entrance of every heart, to speak, to encourage, to love, to woo, to give wisdom. Our work is to learn to receive His love, to rest in this uninterrupted loving attention. 

Whether it's a broken leg, selling a homestead, or just routine demands of life, God's message remains the same: "I love You!"

Dear Jesus, help me to recognize Your expressions of love to me today. 

"Abide in His love" (John 15:10 NASB).

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