Sing About Jesus
The psalmist tells us to "sing praises unto his name; for it is pleasant" (135:3). Sometimes it pleases God for us to sing our praises to Him. If we think our voice seems unpleasant, our Creator is not finding fault. In 1750, Samuel Fairclough wrote this about God's response to our praises: "...his soul is ravished with the thoughts and contemplation of them." He takes infinite delight in our praises rather we speak or sing them.
"I will sing about your power. Each morning I will sing with joy about your unfailing love." (Psalm 59:16). Sing of His power by putting into song what His power has accomplished in your life. He will be utterly joyful when you sing to Him of His love.
"I will praise the name of God with a song" (Psalm 69:30). Focus on a name of God in the Old Testament. The following names are worth singing about!
Jehovah Jireh is used in Genesis 22:14 where God provided a ram for Abraham to sacrifice instead of his son. The name means "sees to everything beforehand." We cannot ever have a need that is not already met in His mind!
Jehovah Rohi means "God is our Shepherd." It is used in Psalm 23:1 and the spirit of the name is perfectly shown in the remainder of the Psalm. All that a good shepherd is to his sheep, God is to us.
Jehovah Shalom means "God is our peace," and was spoken to Gideon in a time of war in Judges 6:11-24. Jehovah is our Peace in any difficulty.
Putting melody to God's Word is another excellent way to worship God in song. "Your decrees are the theme of my song," (Psalm 119:54) declared the Psalmist. "Is any merry? let him sing psalms" (James 5:13).
May my songs of praise bring joy to You, dear Father.
"Sing unto the Lord with thanksgiving" (Psalm 147:7)."He who sacrifices thank offerings honors me" (Psalm 50:23).