Pray Without Ceasing...Really?

Karen prayed a specific plea one day. "Lord, I want to be aware of your presence continually. Show me what it means to truly practice Your presence." She didn't know where that request would lead, but she began to consider Paul's words: "Pray without ceasing." Karen decided to make a concerted effort to turn everything possible in her life into an opportunity to pray.

One day, as her husband was co-piloting during their son's early driving days, she thought he was too impatient. She began to silently pray, "God, grant him patience and wisdom as he instructs." The front seat instruction became calmer, and she felt at ease after releasing the situation to God. 

Housework became a springboard for prayer. One day she thought, Why don't I pray for each family member as I do the laundry? As she picked up her son's jeans, she prayed for their special-needs child. "We have so many decisions to make for Nathanael. Lord, give us wisdom to know what is best." 

They were on a tight budget and she recognized she desperately needed to overhaul her spending habits. Often as she walked through a store she'd pray, "God, help me be content with what I have. Help me to be wise and choose only what I need." God gave her surprising victories over many needless purchases.

A young mom called and cried as she shared her family problems. "God, help me know what to say," Karen whispered. Surprisingly, she felt compelled to boldly direct her back to her relationship with God. 

She learned that using daily life as a catalyst to "pray without ceasing" doesn't come automatically but it's a deliberate choice. We can ask God to instill this reminder in us. Karen said that by striving to pray without ceasing, she is more aware of God's presence than ever before. 

Dear Lord, instill within me the reminder to pray without ceasing.

”My eyes are ever on the Lord" (Psalm 25:15).

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