He Heard God*
One Sunday evening after preaching twice and feeling very tired, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand felt a strong impulse to go to the pub that was just opposite their home. When he told his wife about it, she objected vigorously.
"You spoke twice today against drinking, and now all the neighbors will see you going to have a drink. You can't do such a thing. You'll be slandered."
"Come with me," he replied, "so they will slander us both."
When they entered the pub, he understood why he was there. In the midst stood a Russian captain with his finger on the trigger of a revolver, threatening to shoot everybody. He was drunk and had asked for more liquor. It had been refused him, and now he was terribly angry. People had hidden behind the bar under tables. They could not talk with him, not knowing Russian. Rev. Wurmbrand could speak the language.
When he asked him what was happening, the man quieted down a little and explained his demand. Rev. Wurmbrand assured him that he would take care of it if only he would keep quiet. He went to the pub owner and promised him he would sit with the captain so there would be no further trouble.
The pub owner was so happy, he exclaimed, "Pastor, you have saved my life! I will always remain grateful. Henceforth in my bar you can drink as much as you like free of charge."
He and his wife did not drink. While the Russian captain drank, Rev. Wurmbrand told him the story about the Son of God who came down from heaven, was born of a virgin in a stable, taught love, and in the end was crucified for our sins, was raised from the dead, ascended to heaven, and is preparing an eternal abode in Heaven for every repentant sinner who puts his confidence in Him. The man listened attentively.
Thank You, Lord, for Your precise guidance for those who fear You.
"Who, then, is the man that fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way chosen for him. The LORD confides in those who fear him" (Psalm 25:12, 14).
*Adapted from Alone With God. Rev. Wurmbrand is founder of The Voice of the Martyrs.