Practice Fellowshipping With God
Samuel Chadwick said, "The only thing in the world God has ever asked a man to do is to trust Him." I like to remember those words when I'm seeking to know Him in a difficult or a perplexing moment. God is saying, "Trust me to give you the mind of Christ, the right attitude, the appropriate words. I am your wisdom. Believe that I continually provide all you need."
I heard a speaker from Kenya who began by saying, "I don't know what I'm going to say. I'm just here to enjoy God and for us to enjoy each other." It was apparent as he spoke, though, that he had a wealth of material to share, but He was anticipating the joy of trusting the Spirit to give Him the exact words to say.
In a few days I was to speak to a group on what it means to abide in Christ using John 15. Could I also practice abiding and "enjoy God" as I spoke? I am accustomed to taking pages of notes to the podium. But could I speak on moment by moment abiding in Christ if I were unwilling to trust the Spirit to guide my thoughts while I was speaking? If all God was asking me to do was trust Him, I wanted to be faithful to do that.
So I trusted Him as I wrote only an outline and a few sketchy notes. I spoke knowing the Spirit was giving me what I should say.
Out of our intimate communion with Christ, His life will flow through us. When our focus is on loving and trusting Him, He is free to do His work. What more could we want?
If we have received the Holy Spirit, He is perpetually within whether we sense His presence or not. Then as we cultivate an awareness of His presence, we become increasingly attuned to Him.
Thank you, Holy Spirit, for never failing to provide what we need when we are trusting You.
"May the...fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all" (2 Corinthians 13:14).