Is God Waiting or Am I?
I once heard a story about Watchman Nee and nineteen men who were staying in a home with inadequate bathing facilities. So every day they would go swimming.
One day Watchman saw that one of the men got a leg cramp and was about to drown. He called to the one who was an excellent swimmer to help, but the man didn't respond. He watched the man fight to survive and finally begin to succumb. Just before the man drowned, the good swimmer, in a few swift strokes, reached the man and took him to safety.
Later, Watchman chided the man for failing to respond more quickly. The good swimmer said, "You can never rescue a swimmer until he's completely exhausted his resources. If I had gone to him earlier, he would have pulled me down, and we both would have drowned."
God, too, often waits until we cannot help ourselves. He waits until we're willing to allow Him to do just what He desires. If we're still trying to "help" Him, maybe He's delaying until we will not hinder His work by trying to resist or do it our own way.
Jesus, I recognize that Your delays are always full of purpose. "I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in his word I put my hope" (Psalm 130:5).