More Humor From God
After Hattie Damon read yesterday's devotional about God's humorous response to Dr. Marvin Powers, she sent the following incident that you will enjoy.
After raising two children, my husband and I decided to try the adventure of foster care. After fostering a few children God gave us an opportunity to adopt two little Native American boys living in our home that we had fallen in love with. Oh the blessing they brought to our lives!
The youngest one, Isaiah, struggled in mathematics when in third grade. Each night he and I would spend much time pouring over his homework and asking God to bless the work of his hands and to give him understanding in the math process. It seemed like the more we prayed the harder he struggled.
One morning he went off to school feeling particularly discouraged as it was test day.
After he boarded the bus, I grabbed my Bible, held it to my chest, dropped to my knees in tears interceding for this precious son of mine. While in prayer I humbly asked the Lord to show me in his Word that he had heard the cry of my heart and would indeed answer. I opened my Bible.
Sorrow immediately became joy and laughter when the verse that my eyes fell on from Job 6:6 said, "Don't people complain about unsalted food? Does anyone want the tasteless white of an egg?"
Only God with his fantastic sense of humor could have known how much my son detested the "jiggly whites" of his morning eggs. Oh, he wanted his egg and toast every morning, but would take his knife and with great precision carve out a perfect circle of a yoke and discard the rest. It had occasionally caused contention in our home when trying to get him to eat the white.
No more! I laughed out loud and praised this great God who hears and answers prayer and knows how to turn our mourning into dancing! My son passed his math test in flying colors, and he was never again asked to try an egg white.
Even now there are times when a desperate need will bring me to my knees in desperation, and God will gently remind me of the egg white story, and I have to smile because I know that God cares about every detail of our lives!
Dear Father, I marvel at Your wisdom. You always know what I need better than I know.
"All glory to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ, forever. Amen" (Rom. 16:27 NLT).
"Honor and majesty surround him; strength and joy fill his dwelling" (1 Chron. 16:27 NLT).