Why Am I Cleaning Toilets?
My friend Kathy sent me the following testimony she heard Dr. Mary Scott, a missionary to China in World War II, give.
Dr. Scott trained for years to learn Mandarin Chinese and to pass the mission boards, and then arrived in China to learn she'd been assigned to clean toilets. On her knees, scrubbing with brushes and toothbrushes, she said she was angry. Why would God send her to China to clean toilets after all the work she'd done to get there?
As she worked and fumed, she heard the quiet voice of the Lord say, "Mary, if I have called you to China, who are you to ask me why?" She began to weep and her attitude was transformed in those moments.
She decided down there on her knees that if the Lord called her to China to clean toilets, she would be the best toilet cleaner ever. She discovered she could have joy in any job as long as she knew God chose it for her.
Nothing reveals more accurately what we love than what gives us joy.
Thank You, Jesus, for those who have followed you with joy no matter where You placed them or what You asked them to do.
"Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men" (Colossians 3:23).
"For the kingdom of God is...righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit" (Romans 14:17).