Catherine Saw Jesus

David Smith, the son of Robert and Catherine Smith, sent me the following story about his parents that occurred when they were pioneer missionaries in Kenya, East Africa.

His mother was sick with a 105° temperature. The doctor said it was spinal meningitis and told her husband, "There is nothing you can do but build her a box. She won't live." 

One Sunday morning she told her husband that if God did not do something for her that day she would not be there the next. Robert preached that morning, and then told the elders to take charge for the remainder of the day.  

He finished feeding the children the evening meal and was starting to wash the dishes when he heard his wife behind him say, "Bob, I will take care of the dishes."

He turned quickly and said, "Kitty, get back in bed. You're sick."

She replied, "No, I'm fine." Then she told him, "I was lying in the bed when I sensed a presence with me, and when I opened my eyes, I saw Jesus. He put His hands on my head and ran them down my body and the fever left me instantly." 

She sat down to write to her mother, and about the same time her mother was writing to tell Catherine about their morning service. Their pastor, Thomas Hermiz, Sr., was coming to the podium to preach when the Lord laid it on his heart to ask the congregation to pray for Catherine Smith in Africa. It was supper time in Kenya, but morning in Ohio. 

As they prayed in Ohio, Jesus entered into a little mud hut and placed His hands on Catherine and healed her.  

The two letters crossed somewhere in the Atlantic Ocean.  Her mother ended her letter by saying, "We don't know what the problem is, but we do know that the Lord answered our prayers. Whatever it is, take heart, for God will undertake." He already had.

Lord, reveal to me today who needs special prayer.

"Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his plan to his servants the prophets" (Amos 3:7).

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Her Prayers Were Answered


Faith Despite Tragedy