Gain the Blessing of Meditation
God gave Joshua a clear command and what promise could be better than the promise He attached to it? "Meditate on [the book of the Law] and night... then you will be prosperous and successful" (Joshua. 1:7-8).
At least that was how I read it for many years. Then I noticed the key phrase. "Meditate that you may be careful to do everything written in it then you will be prosperous and successful" (Joshua. 1:7-8).
It is not the simple process of meditation that God attaches His promise to, but to the process of considering it so we can continually live by its words. To those who do that, His promises are unlimited.
Biblical meditation comes from a Greek word meaning to revolve in the mind. It bears little resemblance to those Eastern forms of meditation whose purpose is to train the consciousness to move beyond thoughts, words, and images to a kind of "emptiness." Rather than emptying our minds of words and images, our heart takes in the Word and feeds on it. Meditation helps us absorb Scriptural truth on a deep level. And when we do, we agree with the psalmist: "Oh, how I love your law! I meditate on it all day long" (Ps. 119:97).
In meditation we go over the Word in our minds inquiringly "What does this mean?" We hold it questioningly before the Lord, and as a result, we gain fresh understanding. E. E. Shelhammer said the early saints made much of solitude accompanied by godly meditation. The results? "They were deep thinkers; we are imitators." Even our Bible study may have us merely thinking thoughts from others rather than hearing from God.
Dear Lord, help me to be a listener to You as I focus on Your Word.
"Oh the joys of those who...delight in doing everything the Lord wants. Day and night they think about his law" (Ps. 1:1,2 NLT).