Trust His Love
One day when my mother was staying with us, she said, "The Lord really helped me in my Scripture reading this morning. I had prayed about a need before and believed the Lord had heard, but then I began doubting. I felt my doubting displeased the Lord. But this morning I read where John the Baptist sent word asking Jesus, 'Are you really the Christ?'
"Jesus didn't scold him by saying, 'Why, John, you shouldn't be doubting! You saw Me when the dove descended on Me and My Father said from Heaven, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased."'
"Instead, Jesus sent the reassurance John the Baptist needed without reprimanding him for his lack of trust."
This was the Lord's compassionate way of assuring Mother that He understood her doubts and was not displeased with her for having them.
Thank You, Jesus, that you are more merciful to us then we allow ourselves to believe.
"The LORD is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love" (Ps. 103:8).