We Triumph Because We Rejoice
One of Scripture's most instructive prayers is Hannah's prayer of praise in 1 Samuel 2. Several of its points can serve as patterns for our praying.
"My heart rejoices in the Lord," she exclaimed. Often we think of her prayer as a song of thanksgiving for the birth of her son Samuel. But Hannah was worshipping God after she had reared Samuel and presented him to the priest, Eli. Years of daily caring for her son were over. She was soon to go home with empty arms, leaving behind the dear boy who had been the delight of her life.
Only a woman who loved God with all of her heart could rejoice because she was able to give her very best to Him. We might have been thinking of how sad we would be to leave our child.
God accepted her worship and gave her more children. Years later, Samuel returned home to Ramah where his parents lived (1 Sam. 7:17). What Hannah so freely and even joyfully gave to God, God gave back to her.
Our magnifying the Lord can begin where Hannah's did. Before Hannah conceived, she worshipped because she had a promise. (1 Sam. 1:19) We, too, sometimes appear to be with no hope, but we rejoice because God has promised.
Twice 1 Samuel 1 states that the Lord closed her womb. Hannah believed this. She saw God as the One Who gives and the One Who takes away. With this knowledge, she could approach God with confidence. Any doubt about whether God was in charge would have destroyed her faith and her ability to glorify Him.
In Hannah's prayer and praise in chapter 2, she did not rejoice because she triumphed over her enemies; she triumphed because she had rejoiced. (1 Sam. 2:1)
Dear Lord, no matter the appearance of the situation, I believe your promise and rejoice. I will triumph because You are faithful.
"Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!" (Ps. 47:1 NKJV).