How Could She Speak Without a Voice?

Sue Wynn was to preach and share her testimony at the Free Methodist Church in Ocala, Florida on Easter morning. It seems that Satan wanted to keep her from encouraging that congregation. She emailed what happened.

"On April 3, I came down with what seemed to be a cold or flu but it behaved strangely, attacking my lungs first, and then my voice. Laryngitis struck with full force the night before Easter. My voice left me entirely. We were staying with the pastor and his family. His son Noah asked, 'Miss Sue, will you be able to preach tomorrow?'

"I replied, 'I will if Jesus wants me to.' I didn't speak those words pridefully, but I was prepared either to preach or not preach. It would be according to the Lord's desire, not mine. 

"I knew with all my heart, though, that the Lord called me so He could speak through me to that congregation. In the middle of the night, I was on my knees beside the bed, beseeching Him in the slight whisper I could muster.  My lungs felt like they were torn in shreds. 

"The next morning, the Lord graciously gave me my voice and I was able to preach. My husband Jeff and I held an  altar call afterwards. About half of the church came forward for healing. I continued to be able to speak as Jeff and I ministered privately to others. 

"Then my voice left me. My assignment was done. When I went to my doctor the following Monday, I tested positive for Type A flu."

Thank You, Jesus, that Your plans for those who trust You cannot be thwarted, but You thwart the plans of those who reject You.

"I know that you can do all things; no plan of yours can be thwarted" (Job 42:2).

"Devise your strategy, but it will be thwarted; propose your plan, but it will not stand, for God is with us" (Isaiah 8:10).

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