Discover Moments to Worship

When Marvin was directing a youth camp, he called on a minister visiting from England to say grace before a meal. Rather than the usual "Thank You for the food," Rev. James' brief prayer caused them to reflect on his words.

He simply said, "As the sugar hides itself in tea, let us hide ourselves in Thee." 

"It became a moment of worship," Marvin recalled. 

By giving careful thought to those moments we bow our heads before eating, saying grace can become more than a routine. We can sincerely give thanks or voice a longing to Jesus. 

Traditions easily become routines with little meaning, but God notices when we resist allowing a routine prayer to become meaningless. Someone has said, "You have not prayed until your heart has talked," and this is true of praying habitual prayers. Repetitive prayers can be moments that bring our minds back to God. 

Those who seek God with all their hearts find Him. And if our seeking Him includes looking for Him in the routine of our lives, we'll find Him there.

Thank You, Jesus, for noticing every little effort I make to draw near You.

"Come near to God and he will come near to you" (James 4:8).

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The Impossible-to-Answer Prayer